Best apples? Greenest, reddest, and everything in between

So it's no surprise that the U.S. produces second-most apples after China. The U.S. Apple Association reports 240 million bushels of apples produced year.

The healthiest apple? Any apple—Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, or Gala—is healthy.

Only 12.3% of American people fulfill fruit intake standards, according to the CDC. 

Crumble Smith believes antioxidant-wise, Red Delicious apples are best. Antioxidants are higher in darker apples.

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Apples healthy? As with other fruits, apples are a nutritious food source of vitamins and minerals. 

They have fiber and pectin, a prebiotic that aids digestion and colon function. 

Apples are rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant characteristics that help us absorb and store iron, 

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