Simple, 5-Ingredient Breakfast Recipes  

Time in total: twenty minutes Eggs, ham, and Swiss cheese are the primary components. • Beginner is the term.

Time in total: fifteen minutes Among the primary components are peaches, blackberries, and vanilla yogurt. Beginner is the term.

All in all, forty-five minutes Eggs, ham, French bread, and cheddar cheese are the primary components of this. Intermediate is the level.

There are 55 minutes in total. The primary components are sweet potatoes, Greek yogurt made from coconut, and apple. Beginner is the term.

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There are ten minutes in total. Multigrain waffles, strawberry yogurt, and strawberries are the primary components of this dish. Beginner is the term.

Time in total: twenty minutes Bacon, eggs, multigrain waffles, and cheddar cheese are the primary components of this dish. Beginner is the term.

All in all, forty-five minutes Among the primary components are bacon, cornflakes, and evaporated milk. Beginner is the term.

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