Tarotscope For Today: Friday, March 22, 2024

You’re feeling lucky today. This is a good time to take a chance–and we’re not talking about the lottery.  

Listen to your intuition today. Something is going on just below the surface and you’ll have to check in with your gut in order to decipher what’s going on. 

You’ll be feeling especially balanced today. In situations where you’d normally provide the chaotic reaction people expect from you, your emotional stability will rule instead. 

Try to be patient today. While you’re normally good about waiting for something, it’ll be harder than ever right now. Distract yourself with something else while you wait.  

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There’s something mysterious going on behind the scenes, and you know deep down what it is if you search your intuition. 

It’s time to do some soul-searching, and that’s best done alone. If there’s an aspect of your life that hasn’t felt quite right, spend some time figuring out how you really feel today.  

This is your moment to take charge, but in a loving and nurturing way. This is a mothering card, so if there’s someone in your life that needs a little tough love 

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