Top-Rated Fido Breeds That Will Never Leave Your Side 

But there are dog breeds that are notoriously devoted to their family or a single human. 

If you're a first-time dog owner seeking a loyal friend, you might want to choose a loyal dog breed. 

Among the dog breeds we've included those that are famously hyper-affectionate and others that are proud to protect their families.  

No matter what challenges you face in life, the most devoted dog breeds will never leave your side. 

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While this is by no means an exhaustive list, we have included the bios of a few of our favorites. 

A small boy said to his dad, "Look at that big dog," only last week.  

It's gigantic, like a horse! I think the child is actually correct. Wow, I am quite large! I weigh in at about 100 pounds, give or take, since I am one of the largest dog breeds.  

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