Top zip codes, zodiac signs, and games for Texas lottery winners

Texas men played the lottery 20% more than women. Texans over 55 order the most lottery tickets using the app.  

Bexar County residents may win. The luckiest zip code in Texas was 78328.  

Lone Star State lottery participants in Mega Millions and Powerball preferred 7 for the “white ball” and 13 for the “bonus ball.  

Two Step, Powerball, All-or-None Morning draws consistently garnered the highest cash.  

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Texas lottery players who used the Jackpocket app to buy Powerball tickets won nearly $2 million.  

Jackpocket app gamers have won over $250,000 from All or Nothing, a Texas lottery game drawn six mornings a week.  

Lottery tickets can be bought at your local convenience shop, petrol station, or grocery store, or online in some areas.  

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