Top Zodiac Signs for Healthy Relationships  

Taureans want stability and commitment. They want a lifelong partner to share comfortable nights in and lazy Sundays with. 

They'll be your rock, confidant, and biggest supporter. Their comfort-first mindset may make individuals averse to change and new experiences.

They're not frightened of hard effort, but they may require a push to venture outside their comfort zone and maintain the spark.

Cancers are emotional powerhouses. They put their heart out and value emotional connection above all else. 

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Cancer partners' love and dedication are unquestionable. They're perceptive and can sense your needs, providing emotional support and comfort during life's storms. 

Cancerians are constantly willing to help their loved ones. They make their home a warm, accepting refuge.

Their sensitivity can be a strength and a weakness. Cancers may withdraw if hurt or insecure. Cancerians need open communication and reinforcement to feel appreciated.

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